Sunday, July 15, 2007
Using free ad sites is time consuming and frustrating. I do recommend spending at least $25 to set up an account in a pay per click (PPC) search engine. Once set up it is totally automatic. You only need one Gold Membership upgrade and you will earn $17.
If your hit costs in the PPC search engine average 5 cent each you will get 500 hits. You should expect at least one or two Premier upgrades from this.
We recommend that you do not spend more than 10 cents per bid. Our average bids are around 5-7 cents per term. We have a lot of bids at 1 or 2 cents too and they are listed at the top of the search results. The key is to have thousands of search words at low cost bids.
The first thing that you need to do is create a list of keywords and key phrases that relate to your websites content.
Use the Suggestion Tool to help you come up with hundreds or even thousands of different keyword combinations.
Aim to have 1000 relevant words and develop your lists to 5000.
Wordtracker is much better site but does cost money:
Start out with a simple word, for example: business
When you type in the word "business", the Suggestion Tool will give you the top 100 keywords and phrases containing the word "business: that have been used in searches. Copy all of the keywords/phrases that relate to your site and paste them into a text file.
Next, go back to the Suggestion Tool and type in one of the words that you found, such as "home business". The Suggestion Tool will show you the top 100 search terms related to the phrase "home business". Copy the relevant terms to your list. Continue to do this until you have built a list of several hundred keywords/phrases.
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